Thunder Force

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Action / Comedy


Cast : Melissa McCarthy, Octavia Spencer, Jason Bateman



Lydia and Emily,two former best childhood friends,reunite after Lydia accidentally touches things in Emily's office she shouldn't touch,things which inject her with a serum which gives people superpowers.

Once injected,she has to finish the trial or she will die. Emily also takes pills to become invisible.


Once their powers reach their full potential,they become Thunder Force,fighting the evil super powers villains who run and ruin the city.


Lydia is attracted to one of the villains,who is not so much of a villain,who has crab arms.


The acting was great,Melissa was funny as always,made me laugh the whole movie!


The visuals were good,what can I say,I liked it!


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !