Total Recall

Year of release : 2012


Run time : 2h10min


Genre : Action / Sci-Fi


Cast : Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston



The movie is based on the 1966 Philip K.Dick novelette 'We can remember it for you wholesale' , and the 1990 movie of the same name with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone.


A man who thinks he’s a nobody discovers that he might be a super spy.


Douglas Hall keeps on having these dreams in which he’s a secret agent .He also seems to have feelings for the woman he sees in his dreams .He decides to go to Total ReKall I believe spelled with a K. There,after a background check,he’s told he’s a “God damned super spy”.

As the police comes for him,he displays amazing skills at defending himself.


I loved the movie,it's action packed,you literally have no moment to catch your breath. The actors are amazing,so are the visuals. The fighting scenes are great.


The movie is based on the Total Recall movie with Arnold from 1990,but it's not really a remake,as they have little in common. Basically all they have in common is the idea.


I don't understand the hate this movie gets,to me it's way better than the original,the visual effects,the acting,..if you watch them one after the other like I did,you'll see the original is like watching a puppet show compared to this one.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !