Twilight Zone

Year of release : 2002


Run time : 20 min , 43 episodes


Genre : Suspense / Sci Fi / Horror / Thriller / Mystery / Tv Series



Twilight Zone is one of my favorite series. The 2002 second revival of The Twilight Zone is narrated by Forest Whitaker. Each episode is a stand alone movie with its own special story.



The Executions of Grady Finch -

is about a man who says as he’s being led to the lethal injection,that he is innocent of the crime he is accused of committing.


He keeps on surviving all the executions he’s put through by the police,and he starts thinking he’s invincible.

The acting was great.




The Eye of the Beholder

and one of my favorite episodes .


In the hospital room,a woman awaits the removal of her bandages.


She is on her 11th surgery and can’t have another. She keeps on saying and everybody keeps on saying she is very ugly,so we can’t wait for the reveal,what kind of monster hides behind the bandages?


The whole episode we are kept in darkness ,sort of speak,as we don’t see the faces of the people,we only see the face in bandages of the lead who,is awaiting the removal of the bandages.

The mood is somehow eerie,as the action takes place at night.


They remove her bandages at 11 o’clock at night,exactly when the ruler gives his speech.


The hospital is drowned in shadows and darkness,and a shadow or prop is always on someone’s face as they talk.



Rating of the series : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !