
Year of release : 2003


Run time : 2h14min


Genre : Action / Horror


Cast : Kate Beckinsale, Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy, Wentworth Miller



Believe it or not,this movie is adapted from the Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" tragedy!


Selene,a vampire warrior,named 'death dealer', has been hunting lycans aka werewolves for centuries,in this thousand years old war between vampires and lycans.


One night,being on the look out for lycans, she sees the lycans stalk a human. Researching the matter,although her superior doesn't believe and refuses to allow her to investigate,she reaches his place just in time,as the lycan supreme bites him.


Selene grows attached to Michael, a human doctor, and is trying to protect him at all costs. At the same time,we see Michael seems to be attracted to Selene,not just due to him thinking she can help him and keep him alive,but also, physically.


The lycans are after all the Corvin descendants as they think them to be the key to their power.


Feeling alone among her coven,Selene awakes Viktor,her mentor,a full century before he is due. And finds out maybe,the story of how she lost her family is not so true.


The movie is shot in these dark colors,everything is on blue,khaki,gray,black. The visual effects are good,so is the soundtrack.

The actors are all fine.

The costumes ,except for Selene's are ugly.

The cast,to me,except for Kate,Bill and Wentworth is unattractive. They all look pale,faded,old to me( I know they are vampires,but I watched many vampire movies and the others,except for another unattractive cast/ugly costumes movie,Queen of the Damned [ironically,in Queen of the Damned the vampires are supposed to be the most beautiful because Anne Rice states in her books the vampires are chosen for their beauty!], don't look like this). I think this is one of the few movies I watched which to this day,I find the cast incredibly unattractive.


Rating : Worth a watch!