
Year of release : 2002


Run time : 2h4min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Diane Lane, Richard Gere, Olivier Martinez



On a very windy day,Constance meets Paul, a book dealer who offers to help her mend her scratched knee from the fall.

He gives her a book and the next time she's in town she calls him.

She's drawn to him,and she keeps on finding reasons to go into town just to see him. So,she starts an affair with him.


Constance is married and has a 8 year old son,who turns 9 within a week.


I first watched this movie at the cinema with one of my friends who loved dramas. And it was one of the first dramas I liked. Now,thinking of it, I probably liked it because it wasn't a drama.

Back then and now,I'd still choose Richard Gere over Olivier Martinez.


Unfaithful has this beautiful melancholy music.


Richard Gere and Diane Lane are amazing in this movie.

Diane's character is unlikeable ,she seems selfish,the whole affair,the way she dismisses her husband and smiles thinking of her lover,blushing like a teenager with a crush.


Other than that,I loved their house and their snow globes collection.


Unfaithful is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple Tv on your Roku device, Netflix, Vudu, Vudu Movie & TV Store.


Rating : It's so money!