
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Morgan Freeman, Ruby Rose



At first I didn't want to review this movie but..eff it. I only watched 15 minutes of it and it was awful!

The dialogue is bad,the acting is worse,it's like it was done with people gotten off the streets who had no interest in acting. I hated the way it was filmed,the colors...this Matrix style colors,only difference being that in the Matrix it worked.


There's a scene in a holding cell (?!) it was a padded room,so maybe an asylum (?) in which crooked cops beat up a guy in a bad acting bad dialogue mix,and at the same time they keep on showing us rats from up close,as if the rats are seeing this scene..


The movie has bad looks like they didn't know when to start and end the scene,the actors have no stage presence sort to speak..they just stand there,and walk away awkwardly..


Somebody said once about a bad movie like this one,that it seems whoever is making these kind of bad movies,they all went to the same film school,due to how they all look alike ,the visuals,filmed in a sort of documentary style,

and I agree.


I personally don't know what is Morgan Freeman doing in this movie. Maybe he was friends with one of the film makers and wanted to help.


The movie is streaming on IMDB on Amazon Channel,and is for rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Directv, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.



Rating : The horror,The HORROR !