
Language : French


Year of release : 2001


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Gerard Depardieu



The movie is based on a real historical figure, Eugene Vidocq, who was imprisoned,got out,became a police officer, and then opened his own investigation firm.


The movie starts with Vidocq chasing a cloaked hooded man or entity, wearing a mask which seems to be alive. They fight, Vidocq loses the fight,and before falling into the fiery pit to his death,he asks the masked entity to reveal their face. It does,and Vidocq falls to his death.


After the whole country learns about his death, Vidocq's biographer and journalist,Etienne Boisset, is investigating his death. He first goes to his associate,Nimier, and learns important men( an arms dealer and a chemist), Vidocq was trailing were struck by lightning.


Vidoq finds out the suspect is a supernatural serial killer named The Alchimist. The Alchimist had ties with the men struck by lightning as they were providing what he needed,in return for the promise of youth.


The story is told by all the people Boisset is interviewing, and that's how Vidocq' portrait is being drawn.


The movie has these uneasy close-ups, at times looks as if filmed by an amateur due to the quality of the film(it looks as if filmed with one of our cameras), and is shot on brownish-khaki colors.

The movie has good visual effects and music.


The actors are all fine.


Viewer discretion is advised as the movie has scenes unsuitable for children due to the imagery,mostly.


Vidocq is  out on DVD.


Rating : It's so money !