Violent delights

Year of release : 2020


Language : Spanish


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Horror, I guess !



This movie was awful! I can't believe it won so many awards!


The movie is the story of a vampire couple who spend their time killing people,playing them and playing with them before killing them.

The movie has a lot of nudity,many bad s*x scenes. In one of them you can see the microphone they hold up in the window reflection.


The story is bad,the dialogue is bad,the acting is awful. The actors are ugly(sorry to write it),the lead vampire is an old f@t man who's always naked. And, who's always hungry,always drinking the blood of some woman,usually more women on the same night. There are certain scenes in which they have to laugh,a crazy laughter,sometimes even after being turned into a vampire,and the laughter is so fake is ridiculous. There's a scene in which they have to fight,towards the end,and you can tell it's acting,the slapping and all,it's so fake,it's so bad it's not even funny,it's just boring and annoying.


The movie looks as if it was a project in film school,like a documentary. The outfits are ugly,the lead is wearing something like a robe women used to wear 50 years ago,outside,in the first scene.


There's a scene in which the lead woman vampire rips the neck of a pregnant woman with her teeth,then pulls the baby out of her 5 moths pregnant belly,then pulls the umbilical cord. The woman is still alive!


On the movie poster I attached to the review,you can see the list of awards it won. Rolling my eyes!


The movie is streaming on Vimeo and Amazon Prime Video.


Rating : This movie is trash,don't watch it!, I mean, The horror, THE HORROR!!