What dreams may come

Year of release : 1999


Run time : 1h53min


Genre : Romance / Fantasy


Cast : Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding Jr, Annabella Sciorra



The movie is based on a book by Richard Matheson.


The kids die in a car crash and Chris dies four years later. The wife can’t cope with his loss,and kills herself.


His heaven is made of her paintings,and he discovers they are soulmates.

Chris finds out his kids,one, in heaven, looks like an Asian girl,the other,like the African American man Chris admired.

The African American man he admired is a tracker in the afterlife and looks like an old white man,because they can all look the way they want and build their own heaven.


Chris goes to hell like in Dante’s Inferno,to find his wife trapped in purgatory,as she doesn’t know she’s dead,and doesn’t recognize him,for some unknown reason .

You’d think that suicidals unlike the rest,would know for sure their dead,not the other way around!


Also,God is still unknown to the souls in heaven,as they never met it. How can it be,you’re dead,you get to make your own heaven,but you never met God? Who wrote this?!


I liked the visual effects,the acting,the house the family lived in. Other than that,I didn’t like the movie,it bored me.

The suicidals don’t know they’re dead, don’t recognize the ones they killed themselves for and love so much?!

God never makes an appearance?!

Souls decide when to reincarnate?!

There’s no punishment?!

No teachings no nothing?!

This movie was written by someone who knew nothing and put it there for us to see.


Rating : Could have been a contender !