What Maisie knew

Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h39min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Julianne Moore, Alexander Skarsgard, Onata Aprile, Joanna Vanderham, Steve Coogan



The movie is based on the 1897 Henry James novel of the same name.


Maisie is a little girl who's parents are fighting all the time. Her mother changes the locks so her father won't get in.

The custody battle starts. She has to live 10 days with her father,10 days with her mother. At her father's place she finds the nanny she is close with.

Her mother is not pleased,hearing it.


To make it right,her father marries the nanny. Her mother marries a bartender,which she tells Maisie,she married for her,to take care of her. Ironically,when she sees the man gets along with Maisie she has a b!tch fit,acting like a possessive person who is fighting for her daughter's undivided affection,starting fights with her new husband just because he is nice to Maisie!

Whenever she sees the man is nice to her,she starts fights with him,as she wants to be the only one the girl loves! It starts to make sense why her father left.


The father is not a peach either,as he is a business man from England,and is most of the time away,and he doesn't let anyone know,not even his wife when he comes back,or if he comes back. When he comes back,he stays for a day,spends a few hours with Maisie,then leaves.


These people claim they love their kid,but do the opposite. For example, the mother who wants her undivided love and attention, an aging rock star , is acting like a kid! She leaves Maisie alone to go on tour,without telling the husband she probably broke up with ,she leaves her with him! She just leaves Maisie at his bar,well,outside his bar,on the night he wasn't there! The kid ends up sleeping at a stranger's house,because the co-worker couldn't reach the man!

These are two rich people,I don't understand why couldn't they get nannies,each,or home school her and take her with them!!


If you ask me,Maisie's parents deserve each other,as they are both awful people and irresponsible parents.


The movie starts out well,but then it starts to bore me,especially since these two are awful people using the ones they are with.


The actors were all fine. At the beginning, Julianne Moore gives an awesome performance,when she's fighting with her man,screaming all of a sudden,enraged.

One thing that bothered me which has nothing to do with the acting is,Alexander Skarsgard is always walking hunchback,I felt like setting him straight, and his pants are always sagging,I felt like pulling them up whenever I saw them.


I didn't quite like the soundtrack,although the rocker's music was Ok.


Rating : Could have been a contender !



While filming the movie the little girl took a liking to Alexander Skarsgard (who can blame her?) and this is how he spent his time on set and at the movie premiere :