Without remorse

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Action / War


Cast : Michael B. Jordan, Guy Pearce, Jacob Scipio



The movie is based on Tom Clancy's book,but apparently they didn't keep much of it,as the lead character is white,among many other things. So I don't know why they call the movie,Tom Clancy's Without Remorse,because it ain't,if it was,they would have respected the book to the dot.


John Clark,a member of the Navy Seals,finds it odd that while in Syria,sent to kill terrorists,they kill the Russian military.


3 months later,back in the USA,the members of the team start having accidents and die. John,luckier than the rest,depending how you look at it,gets away with a few bullet wounds,while his pregnant wife is killed.


John seeks revenge and is caught in this plot certain members of the government concocted to start a war with Russia as war makes money and with an outside enemy the people of the country would stop fighting each other.


The fighting scenes were good,I really loved them,but for some unknown reason the movie did not captivate me,it felt generic,done before.


I loved the soundtrack.


The actors were all great,I can find them no fault. I loved the scenes in which John thinks of his wife,dreaming about her.

I think the movie would have been better if he died and joined her on the other side.


The movie is an Amazon original production and it streams exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !