Wonder Woman

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 2h21min


Genre : Action / Adventure / Fantasy


Cast : Chris Pine, Gal Gadot, Connie Nielsen, Robin Wright



Wonder Woman is a superhero movie based on the DC comics of the same name, created in 1941.


Diana comes from a line of Amazons,created by Zeus and imprisoned by men. So Zeus created an island unseen to the eyes of men for them.


As a child, Diana wants to learn how to fight, and be like the Amazons defending the island. Her mother's sister, the general, trains her to become the best of them,although her mother fears that the stronger she becomes the faster Ares will find her.


One day, a pilot wrecks on their island, while followed by the nazis. Diana rescues him, the nazis follow him and fight the Amazons.


After they question him with the Lasso of Truth, and find out what they want, Diana decides to leave with him.


So,Diana leaves with Steve to England, to find Ares and k!ll him to end the war.


The action / fighting scenes are amazing. The visual effects are good. I loved the costumes and the mask the nazi's chemist wore. And the worlds created, from the Amazons' island to England and the battlefield.

The soundtrack was good.

The movie has quite a few scenes between Steve and Diana which were funny and made me laugh.


The story of Zeus and Ares sounds like the story of God and Lucifer. Zeus creates humans, Ares was envious of them.


I think Gal Gadot looks like Claire Forlani. Also, everybody kept on saying how beautiful she was, and to me she looks normal,is not a beauty.


The movie is streaming on HBO Max, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, AMC on Demand, DirecTv, Google Play, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !