Working girl

Year of release : 1988


Run time : 1h54min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith, Sigourney Weaver, Joan Cusack, Alec Baldwin, Oliver Platt, Kevin Spacey



Tess is the assistant of a man who works in the stock market. She wants to move up the ladder, and her boss pretending to help her, only finds her "jobs" for men who pretend they want to hire her, when in reality only want to sleep with her.

Tess calls him a pimp, and she gets fired.


Her human resource specialist finds her a new job for a woman. The woman is elegant and classy, she seems nice, she tells Tess she wants to be friends, and help her make it in the business.


But,when Tess has a brilliant idea, her boss tells her she'll help her with it, then steals her idea,and tries to go around her, so she won't hear about it.


Finding out about it, as she takes care of her house, her boss having a ski accident, Tess decides to pretend she has her boss' job, and pitch the idea to the people she wanted to in the first place.


The first time I watched the movie I loved it, but a few years ago, and last night, it actually bored me.


The acting was fine, Alec Baldwin plays the entitled cheating boyfriend, Joan Cusack ( who wears too much makeup and has this crazy hair),the best friend, Harrison Ford plays the love interest and the person of interest for Tess' idea to work, while Sigourney Weaver is the two faced boss ( who's character is turning 30 when Sigourney was turning 40, but really looked 30). Kevin Spacey has a cameo.


The '80's had mad hair and makeup, they just seemed loud, the makeup was so much it looked close to a clown's. The only one with good makeup and hair was Sigourney. I also loved her outfits, and then Melanie's when she starts wearing her clothes.


I didn't like the soundtrack, but I did like the songs chosen for the movie like Lady in Red.


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Microsoft, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !